KSP Indosurya Opens A Fund Disbursement Post For The Elderly And Sick Patients
JAKARTA - The founder of the Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Henry Surya, ensured that the funds of the Indosurya KSP members were safe and would be returned, in line with the spirit of the peace proposal agreed upon by members at the voting at the trial.
As an affirmation of this commitment, KSP Indosurya has also opened offline and online posts, for members who are elderly, who are in critical illness, and urgent financial difficulties, to prioritize their return of funds.
KSP Indosurya will continue the post, which has been open for discussions with its members, to become a post for managing the disbursement of funds for the elderly, critically ill, and currently with urgent needs.
While this cooperative is preparing an online post, which can be accessed by its members from various regions, Henry admitted that he understands the various difficulties experienced by members, including pandemic conditions that make it difficult to travel.
"We are very aware that there are members who really need funds immediately, those who are critically ill, the elderly, we prioritize. And, because there are many KSP members in various regions, also to make it easier for them in this COVID-19 pandemic condition, they don't need to travel, crowded. We have prepared a complaint website, so they can take care of them from their homes or places. For those who can come, the post at Grha Surya is also open, "Henry said in a statement received, Monday, July 13.
He said that he really appreciated the voting decision at the trial at the Central Jakarta District Court in the continued process of the PKPU KSP Indosurya. The voting confirmed that the majority of members wanted the KSP Indosurya to continue. At the trial, the voting concluded that 73.41 percent of creditors agreed to the KSP Indosurya peace plan, while 26.59 percent rejected peace.
"This is outside of the peace proposal. We will accelerate it. Our priority is to ensure that customers or members can have their money returned," Henry added.
Juniver Girsang, Henry Surya's attorney, on a different occasion, emphasized that his client as the founder of the KSP is strongly committed to resolving the peace. Establishment of a post for an urgent creditors refund, a concrete form of that commitment.
"We see the enthusiasm of the debtor in the presence of Henry Surya. This commitment is evidenced by his direct presence at the peace meeting. This commitment is also strengthened by prioritizing disbursement for elderly creditors and those who are sick," said Juniver.
Creditor SupportTit for tat. Indosurya KSP creditor, Indra Gotama, appreciated KSP Indosurya's efforts to establish a post to follow up according to the PKPU voting results at the Commercial Court. According to him, the establishment of the posko shows the good will of the founders and the management of KSP Indosurya.
"In my opinion, it is good, if you have set up a post, it means that you have an intention to return the funds of your customers. I think it is positive, I support it," said Indra.
However, he suggested that the KSP Indosurya management also implement health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He warned customers not to crowd to withdraw their funds. Indra supports the posko which can be accessed online and through their respective marketing, in order to anticipate the transmission of the corona virus.
"We have already registered with the court, so they already have the list, and they must have data on whoever the customer is. Yes, if possible, by number so it is not too crowded, online or via marketing is better. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, right? It's hard, I'm afraid it will spread, "said the member from Jakarta.
Creditors from Palembang, Cun Cun, expressed the same thing. He supports it if the Indosurya management prioritizes the disbursement of funds to elderly customers who need it. Moreover, the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, so elderly customers must be prioritized.
"I totally agree that the elderly come first, because in reality they really need it, they must be prioritized, they live from there (cooperative profits). If there is no payment, it's a pity where they get money, they must have a conscience," he said.
In addition, Cun Cun hopes that KSP Indosurya will also be pro-active towards customers in the regions, given the pandemic conditions, residents find it difficult to travel. There are also branches in the regions that are closed. The online system is good.
"My request as an out-of-town person, where the branch is closed, I hope there will be representatives from Jakarta to take care of it in the regions. Hopefully it's easy to handle it, especially if there is COVID-19, it needs transport, rapid tests and so on," he explained.