Having Been Exposed To COVID-19, Iwan Fals Understands Why Caucasians Like To Sunbathe

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic also brings new habits for Iwan Fals. He becomes more appreciative of the sun because he is diligent in sunbathing to get the benefits of vitamin D.

"In the past we found it strange to see Caucasians sunbathing on a charred beach. Now we realize, oh it looks like vitamin D, now I like to laugh alone when sunbathing," said Iwan quoted from ANTARA, Friday, September 17.

Now, Iwan also regularly takes vitamins, wears a mask and does a swab test. At first he felt uncomfortable doing repeated tests, but in order to maintain health together, Iwan became used to it.

The new habit started from the experience of Iwan who claimed to have been positive for COVID-19 in two months. However, he is grateful for not infecting his wife and children.

"Because OTG, I got hit but I didn't feel anything, fortunately my wife and children didn't get it," he said.

Currently, Iwan is preparing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. He admitted that he was confused because there was a lot of information about which vaccine was superior, but for Iwan, all available types would lead to the same goal, which is to be healthy.

"But confused, there are so many vaccines. Confused that the immune system becomes weak. Yes, this is a matter of being healthy or not healthy, while health is an invaluable price, how do we want to work if we are not healthy. Next month is the plan," said Iwan.

Iwan hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic can end soon so that the music, entertainment and other industries can bounce back. Because if the concert can be held again, then the economy of a region can also run.

"Imagine, in one concert, the city can come alive too, people selling, transportation, ticketing, relaxation. All of that is now gone," said Iwan

Furthermore, Iwan added, "It's not just music concerts, puppet shows, other stage activities, celebrations. The space for catharsis, to do it together, is important to gather together, so it eases the burden of life a bit."

The singer of "Oemar Bakrie" also advised the public to always comply with health protocols and not to be consumed by false information.

"Prokes must be, because the health of property is priceless," said Iwan Fals.