The Difference Between Ancol And Jakarta Bay Reclamation According To Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan emphasized that the Ancol reclamation which is currently being granted a different permit from the Jakarta Bay reclamation whose permit has been revoked.

Anies explained the difference. He said, in the plan to expand a 155-hectare recreation area in Ancol, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol as the land owner is required to make an environmental impact analysis (AMDAL).

Apart from the AMDAL, the analysis that must be carried out by Ancol includes studies on flood management, the impact of global warming, taking material for land expansion, and other studies.

"The executor is also the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's BUMD which must comply with all legal provisions, including the provisions of the AMDAL," Anies said in his statement, Saturday, July 11.

Meanwhile, in the Jakarta Bay reclamation, Anies said that the project had violated the environmental provisions (AMDAL). There is an element of loss of life for the fishermen because some of the reclaimed islands are facing fishing villages, for example in Kamal Muara and in Muara Angke.

"Then, this (reclamation) is also facing the Cengkareng Drain area and the mouth of the Angke River. The effect will disrupt the flow of the river to the high seas. So, it does not help control flooding, but has the potential to generate flooding," he said.

Then, Anies claimed the reason he gave permission for the expansion of the Ancol recreation area to deal with the effects of the floods. This is because the land to be used is the result of river dredging from the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) and the Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) since 2009.

"This mud is then used for the development of the Ancol area. So, this is an activity to protect Jakarta residents from floods," said Anies.

Meanwhile, said Anies, the reclamation of Jakarta Bay does not protect Jakarta residents from any disaster. There are private parties planning to create a commercial area, need land, then make land, make reclamation.

Moreover, said Anies, the legal umbrella, namely Governor Regulation No. 121/2012 concerning the Spatial Planning of the North Coast Jakarta Reclamation Area which gave the Jakarta Bay reclamation island permit which was originally owned by a private developer has been revoked.

"The legal provisions which are 17 islands are not in line with public interest, then there are problems with the law, disturbing the sense of justice. Therefore, I emphasize that the implementation of the Ancol area development is not part of the problematic reclamation project," said Anies.

Anies claims that his party has a legal basis that meets the legal administrative requirements for the Ancol permit. "Decree of the Governor number 237 of 2020 was issued, so that the land (dredging) can be utilized," said Anies.

Legal Flaws

Unfortunately, the Ancol reclamation permit with a regulation in the form of a governor's decision is considered legally flawed. DKI DPRD Commission B member Gilbert Simanjuntak said Anies must have a legal grip in the form of regional regulations (perda) regarding detailed spatial planning (RDTR) and zoning which must pass discussions between the DKI Provincial Government as the executive and the DPRD as the legislature.

"This permit does not yet exist and the perda itself is the basis for issuing a governor's decision. In fact, the expansion must be based on the RDTR and zoning regulations. In fact, not a single perda is being used," said Gilbert.

For information, the permit for the extension of the Ancol area was stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 237 of 2020 on February 24, 2020. The details are the permit for the expansion of the recreation area covering an area of 35 hectares for Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) recreation and 120 hectares for land expansion in the East Ancol area.

The DKI Provincial Government has issued an Ancol reclamation permit because it owns land from river dredging from the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) program and the Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP). This program is an emergency flood management project in Jakarta.

Later, the reclaimed land will be used to build recreational facilities, including the Bird Park, the Floating Mosque, the Symphony of the Sea, the New Resto, and the eastern roundabout pedestrian. This facility will begin construction in 2021.

In addition, Dufan Hotel, Symphony of The Sea phase 3 (East Roundabout to dolphins) and stage 4 (dolphins to fantasy world) will also be built which are targeted to be built in 2022. Then, there is Ancol Residence starting to be built in 2021 until 2024, and Ocean Fantasy builds from 2021 to 2023.