The COVID-19 Task Force Requires International Travelers To Use PeduliLindungi Application To Enter Indonesia
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that his party has set the conditions for using the PeduliLindungi application for international travelers entering Indonesia.
This is stated in the Addendum to the Circular Letter of the COVID-19 Task Force Number 18 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period.
Wiku said that this addendum was made to control the spread of COVID-19 more efficiently, including anticipating the entry of new variant viruses into Indonesia.
“SE No.18/2021 concerning the Health Protocol for International Travelers has changed dynamically according to the development of the pandemic. The goal is to carry out monitoring, control, and evaluation in preventing the transmission of COVID-19", said Wiku in his statement, Friday, September 17.
In the addendum, there are three clauses added, namely clause 5, clause 6, and clause 7. In clause 5, it is stated that every international traveler must use the PeduliLindungi application as a condition for international travel into Indonesian territory.
Clause 6 states that every operator of transportation modes at the entry point of international travel is required to use the PeduliLindungi application.
Clause 7 states that the supervision of the health quarantine of cargo ships and ship crews follows more specific and technical arrangements established by the Ministry of Health through monitoring by the Port Health Office of each international travel entry point.
"As usual, the Ministry of Transportation simultaneously also regulates it more technically", said Wiku.