Boyolali Regency Government Encourages Cultural Preservation Of Traditional Herbal Medicine

JAKARTA - The Boyolali Regency Government in Central Java Province seeks to encourage the community to preserve ancestral cultural heritage through organizing competitions for traditional herbal medicine in their area. ancestral cultural heritage," said the Head of Education and Culture of Boyolali Regency, Darmanto, on the sidelines of the traditional herbal medicine competition, which was held at the R. Hamong Wardoyo Museum, Boyolali Regency, Thursday. Darmanto said 12 contestants must mix at least five kinds of traditional herbs. The five herbs include kencur rice, turmeric tamarind, fat flexing herbal medicine or wedang juminten, simplisia herbal medicine and betel leaf herbal medicine. medicine that has a chemical base. "So in Java there are relics from our ancestors, namely herbs, this must be preserved. With the hope that business actors can still preserve the relics of their ancestors in the form of herbs, both from the craftsmen and the audience," he said. Meanwhile, Ody Dasa Fitranto, one of the judges of the competition, revealed that there are four criteria in the assessment of the herbal medicine competition. The first criteria are the composition of the ingredients and the content of the herbs made, the tools and materials used, the creativity of the presentation and the aesthetics of the presentation. "We appreciate the enthusiasm of the people participating in the competition. used by participants is also very interesting," he said.

Each participant of the competition will get a replacement money for the ingredients for making herbal medicine in the amount of Rp. 300,000 and a coaching fee of Rp. 300,000. One of the contestants, Mira, a resident of Boyolali hopes that the competition can continue. The existence of this competition can be a solution to improve the community's economy while preserving the ancestral cultural heritage with traditional herbal medicine. Meanwhile, in the traditional herbal medicine competition in Boyolali, Tuti Widayati won first place from Ampel District, second winner Siti Rahayu from Mojosongo District and third place winner Hani Siti Suryani from Kuwiran Village, Banyudono District.