Closer To Mallaby Buried In Ereveld

JAKARTA - Aubertin Walter Sothern (AWS) Mallaby never thought that his presence in Tanah Surabaya on October 25, 1945 would be his final war. He never imagined that the city would become his eternal resting place.

Mallaby was a British Brigadier General who commanded the 49th Punjab force based in his colony in northern India. Retired from duty in India, Mallaby actually wants to return to his hometown in England.

However, in 1944, Mallaby persuaded the British government to lead the war once again and promised to be released afterwards.

Mallaby finally complied and joined the Allied Forces Netherlands East Indies (AFNEI), the allied forces sent to Indonesia after the end of World War II. It was true, this trip was Mallaby's last war. He died five days after his troops set foot in Surabaya.

Surabaya residents asked Soekarno and Mohammad Harta for help to negotiate with allies so that war would no longer occur. Finally, Soekarno and their respective allies agreed to a truce. They are no longer at war.

However, the allies first spread the news that Indonesia had to put down its weapons first. Arek Suroboyo did not accept it. They thought that the British might rule Surabaya.

Even though the ceasefire had been announced, in some places there was still fighting. A shootout incident resulted in the death of Mallaby, at Jembatan Merah, Surabaya.

The cause of Mallaby's death is still a mystery. There are several versions of his death, one of which mentions that the car in which Mallaby was in flames was hit by a grenade explosion.

There were also those who said they were stabbed by a bayonet and sharpened bamboo or shot by a gun by an Indonesian youth whose identity is unknown until now. The grenade explosion made the cause of Mallaby's death difficult to determine.

Mallaby's death is thought to have triggered an even bigger war. Major General EC Mansergh, Mallaby's successor, issued an ultimatum to Indonesian troops in Surabaya on 9 November 1945 to surrender weapons unconditionally.

A day later the Battle of 10 November broke out because the Indonesians ignored this ultimatum.