The Latest News From The Water Leaf Plane, Found In A Destroyed State At An Altitude Of 2,400 Meters

JAYAPURA - The Rimbun Air plane with flight number PK OTW was found at an altitude of 2,400 meters, with a distance of 5-6 km from Bilogai Airport in the direction of Homeyo District, Intan Jaya Regency. contacts on the Nabire-Sugapa flight have been found.

From the results of observations from helicopters that were deployed to conduct a search, it was found that the plane was in a state of destruction.

"It is very unlikely that the three crew members survived because the condition of the fuselage was destroyed," said Sandi Sultan as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 15. He added that the plan to evacuate victims from the plane would be carried out by road. ) in the area, during the evacuation process, the security forces will be accompanied by local community leaders and religious leaders.

"Hopefully there will be no disturbance from the KKB," said AKBP Sandi Sultan, hoping. The plane piloted by Mirza and co-pilot Fajar and technician Iswahyudi was reported to have lost contact on Wednesday, September 15 at 07.37 WIT. flew from Nabire at 06.40 WIT.

Airnav Sugapa had the last communication with the pilot at 07.30 WIT before being declared lost contact.