Twitter Is Back To Open A Blue Tick Request After A Month Break

JAKARTA - After some time ago closing requests for verification of user accounts with 'blue ticks' or verified, Twitter is now re-opening the service. The company claims it now brings upgrades and an easy review process.

"We're re-launching access to request a blue badge. If you're planning to sign up and don't have access yet, keep checking your account settings. Thanks for staying with us", Twitter said.

Citing 9to5Mac, Wednesday, September 15, Twitter suspended its account verification program in November 2017, after users complained that the process felt arbitrary and confusing. The company's decision to verify white supremacist accounts drew widespread criticism.

After a three-year hiatus, the social media giant came up with an amended verification policy last November. It categorizes accounts into six different types and states all accounts can apply for a verified badge if they meet certain criteria.

The verification program finally reopened in May this year. But just a week after it reopened, Twitter had to temporarily suspend the program due to high demand. The company took a few days to clear the backlog and continue the verification process.

However, once again the service stopped rolling out the option for users last August. The company said it wanted to make improvements and a review process, pointing out that there were some flaws in the amended verification policy. Twitter has been found to have incorrectly verified several fake accounts that may be part of a bot.

It took almost three years for Twitter to reopen the verification program, this time with a more transparent process, with publicly stated criteria.

Twitter says that if you want to apply for account verification, a user must be famous, authentic, and active. It also fits into one of six different categories, including government, corporate, brand, and not-for-profit organizations. There are also news organizations, entertainment, sports, activists, organizers, and other influential individuals.

Now, Twitter will use automated and human review processes to verify user identities. It will update about the submission status at the registered email address. Keep in mind, the process may take several weeks.