Deputy Governor Cok Ace Hopes Bali Can Go Down To PPKM Level 3

DENPASAR - Deputy Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati (Cok Ace) hopes that PPKM Level 4 on the island of Bali will drop to Level 3 which will be announced by the central government.

He is also optimistic that PPKM in Bali will drop to level 3. The reason is that the daily cases of COVID-19 in Bali are getting better with the decline in cases of COVID-19 patients.

"Yes, if I saw a few days (it went down). At the last time Mr. Luhut (Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) he was still waiting for the results (positive daily Covid-19) Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The results from yesterday to Friday were good, the decline was improving," said the Deputy Governor Bali Cok Ace, Monday, September 13

Cok Ace explained that the handling of COVID-19 in Bali did not encounter any problems.

"The healthy increases and the sick decreases, the death decreases and hopefully tomorrow we will be announced to level 3," he hoped.

"Everything is running as usual. I'm optimistic until the day (down level) hopefully there will be no (obstacles)," said Deputy Governor Cok Ace.