Proven Healthy After 'Mejeng' At Party School, Now Megawati Is Attacked Again By Death Issues

JAKARTA - The general chairman of the PDI-P has again been attacked by slanted issues. After being called critical last week until she was admitted to the ICU and answered by appearing fit when she opened a party school, Megawati is now rumored to be more sadistic, dead.

This issue is circulating on TikTok. There is a video uploaded by the TikTok account, @dhianrama18. Making a very bombastic narration in the video, "Condolences for the death of Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri. May her deeds of worship be accepted by Allah SWT|".

To sound serious, this account also includes a snippet of PDIP politician Henry Yosodiningrat's voice. It is also unclear in what context he spoke. Only voice pieces are taken to be able to convince this hoax issue.

"We politicians from the PDI Perjuangan have learned a lot from the late he left a very good impression and very deep memories"

This issue is not just circulating on TikTok. But with a different narrative, it's also circulating on YouTube.

The YouTube channel "KABAR NUSANTARA" uploaded a video reporting that the General Chair of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, is currently being treated at the Pertamina Central Hospital, Jakarta, since September 8, 2021 and is in critical condition. The video was uploaded on September 10, 2021 and has been viewed 3,091 times.



And the official Turn Back Hoax website has classified that the content about Megawati being closed after the end is wrong. Until this news was revealed, the editors were still trying to confirm it with a number of PDI-P officials.

The critical issue of being admitted to the ICU is a hoax

Previously, Megawati Soekarnoputri had attended the virtual opening of the PDI Perjuangan Intermediate Cadre Training (TOT) on Friday, September 10. Megawati's presence at the same time eliminates wild rumors that she is being treated seriously because of her critical condition. This issue has been circulating wildly since Thursday 9 September morning.

Megawati wearing a red shirt is seen following the zoom from Teuku Umar, Menteng, Jakarta. There he was accompanied by the chairman of the North Sulawesi PDIP DPD, Olly Dondokambey and the PDIP DPP chairman Eriko Sotarduga.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia explained the reason for his appearance in the opening of the PDIP Intermediate Cadre Education TOT open to the public. Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto specifically requested his presence to refute the hoax issue.

"Mr. Secretary General said, 'Mother, this will be an open opening ceremony', so that the public can also see that Alhamdulillah, I am in good health and I am not lacking anything," said Megawati.