Anies Publishes SE On Prevention And Handling Of Sexual Harassment In The DKI Provincial Government Work Environment
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued Circular Letter Number 7/SE/2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Work Environment.
This SE was made by Anies as a commitment not to tolerate all forms of sexual violence in the work environment.
In the SE, Anies ordered the heads of regional apparatus/work units in regional apparatuses to take steps to prevent acts of sexual harassment in the work environment.
"The heads of OPD and work units should set an example and encourage each of their employees, firstly to build a commitment to prevent acts of sexual harassment, secondly to require all employees to build and maintain a work atmosphere that is safe from acts of sexual harassment, thirdly to internalize and socialize regarding acts of sexual harassment and efforts to prevent sexual harassment in the work environment," Anies wrote in SE, quoted Friday, September 10.
Anies explained that the forms of sexual harassment in question include physical harassment, verbal harassment, gesture harassment, written or graphic harassment, psychological or emotional abuse.
Then also includes other forms of sexual harassment that cause insecurity, discomfort, offence, fear, intimidation, feeling humiliated, and causing physical and mental safety problems.
With regard to the handling of acts of sexual harassment, the following provisions apply:
a. The Reporting Party (either victim or witness) may submit a complaint/report on sexual harassment by the Reported Party (employee or anyone who has a working relationship within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government) in writing through the complaint channel on the https://bkddki.jakarta page.;
b. The Office of Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control together with the Technical Implementation Unit of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (UPT P2TP2A) provides an initial assessment of complaints/reports, protection and assistance to the Whistleblower in accordance with statutory provisions;
c. The Regional Civil Service Agency conducts an examination of the Reported Party in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
d. Each Whistleblower has rights in the form of:
1) Receipt of information on the entire handling process; 2) Protection of a sense of security, confidentiality of identity, back reports, excessive reporting and all forms of threats and retaliation from other parties; 3) Psychological services, counseling and legal process assistance provided by UPT P2TP2A; 4) Shelter services provided by the Social Service; 5) Health services for victims and medicolegal services provided by health service facilities; and 6) Other services according to the special needs of victims based on considerations/recommendations from the authorities.
e. Each Reported Party has rights in the form of:
1) Receipt of information on the entire handling process; 2) Confidentiality of identity; 3) Fair handling process; and 4) Opportunity to submit answers and submit supporting evidence.
In addition, any intentional and malicious false reporting can also result in the application of disciplinary action. The general public can also report acts of violence to the Jakarta Siaga Hotline 112 or through the complaints hotline at 0813 1761 7622 or report through the Jakarta Safe application.