PDIP Unveils Lobbying Constraints, Launches Interpellation To Anies Baswedan: Permission Of Faction Leaders Is Required

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Gembong Warsono, admitted that his party is still conducting lobbying so that other faction members agree to the Interpellation of Formula E for DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

"The interpellation lobby is still ongoing. Almost all of our factions are lobbying politically," said Gembong when contacted, Friday, September 9.

Gembong was reluctant to reveal which faction members had been lobbied by PDIP to launch interpellation rights. He said, now is not the time to deliver.

"Detailed developments will come later, it is still in the exploratory stage. More details will be announced later. Not yet," said Gembong.

Gembong exposed the lobbying constraints that PDIP was doing. Although interpellation is an inherent right of every member of the council, they must comply with the direction of their party.

So, when members of other factions are spoken to, they cannot decide anything about the interpellation before reporting to the head of their respective party faction.

"Each faction has a parent, they must report to their respective parents. Of course we have done something, but he has to get instructions and directions from the leadership and so on. That's what makes it relatively slow," explained Gembong.

Until now, the interpellation rights for Formula E proposed by PSI and PDIP have not been implemented. The DPRD leadership has not yet held a Deliberative Body meeting to determine the schedule for the Formula E interpellation plenary meeting.

The plenary meeting is the determinant so that the interpellation can be held. In order for the interpellation to take place, the DPRD members present at the plenary meeting must meet a quorum of 50 percent + 1 or as many as 54 DPRD members.

It is known that seven factions other than PDIP and PSI in the DPRD said they disagreed with the proposed Interpellation Rights Formula E. Thus, only 33 DRPD members from PDIP and PSI submitted the proposal. Therefore, PDIP and PSI are lobbying DPRD members from other factions to participate in plenary meetings.