12 Members Of The Tinombala Task Force Were Pulled To Jakarta For In-depth Examination

JAKARTA - 12 members of the Tinombala Task Force were withdrawn from Poso, Central Sulawesi, to Jakarta. They will undergo investigations related to cases of alleged wrongly shooting civilians. This incident killed two civilians who worked as farmers.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that his party had examined a number of witnesses to investigate this case. However, he could not yet specify who had been investigated in connection with the deepening of this case.

"We also have an examination process from the reported party, then we have also brought several witnesses to the National Police Headquarters for examination. We are still waiting," said Argo in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 7.

Meanwhile, on a different occasion, the National Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono said the shooting incident occurred at KM 09, Poso, South Sulawesi, on 2 July. This location is a forbidden area because of frequent gunfire.

For this reason, a number of Tinombala members were alerted at the location with the aim of monitoring anyone who came in and out of the area.

"Indeed, this area is a red zone where disturbances often arise such as gunfire. In order to maintain security, a partition post was formed which functions as a control for residents who want to leave or enter the KM 09 area, they must first report to officers," said Awi.

However, the two residents who were victims seemed not to comply with these rules. They still enter the area without first reporting to the guard post.

So, the officers tried to remind them. It's just that, both of them ignore it. Until finally the officers fired warning shots and ended with the shooting of the two residents.

"The initial warning was ignored, so the officer gave warning shots, but the person was still trying to escape and then the officers shot them, which resulted in the deaths of both of them," said Awi.

After being traced, both of them were residents of Kawende Village, Poso Pesisir Utara. Then they were immediately evacuated and taken to the village. Furthermore, all members who were part of the guard group were immediately returned to Jakarta for further examination.

"Until now, 12 people from the Tinombala Task Force have been withdrawn from the operation area to Jakarta and are undergoing an examination process by the Provincial Police Divpropam Police Bureau," Awi concluded.