Protest To Miss Supranational, YPI Prioritizes Nationalism In Every International Beauty Contest

JAKARTA - The Puteri Indonesia Foundation has raised its voice over the circulation of a video uploaded from Instagram Live for Miss Supranational 2019 Anntonia Porsild some time ago. In the video, a man's voice was recorded, which was later identified as Andre Sleigh, Creative Director of Miss Supranational organization, which contained insulting sentences about Indonesia that provoked the anger and emotions of Indonesian netizens.

Puteri Indonesia Foundation which was founded by the founder of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, DR. BRAS. Mooryati Soedibyo in 1992, emphasized that the purpose of participating in the International beauty contest was to introduce our beloved country, Indonesia, as a big, dignified country with various cultural and beauty properties that need to be introduced to other countries as part of world relations.

In response to this, YPI, as a large and dignified institution, took wise steps to resolve the problem properly. "YPI has communicated and sent organizational letters from the Puteri Indonesia Foundation to the Miss Supranational Organization professionally and in good faith, so that Miss Supranational will clarify and apologize to YPI and also the entire Indonesian community and nation," said Mega, Head of YPI Communications. , Mega Angkasa, Thursday, September 9th.

The Indonesian people know how the Puteri Indonesia Foundation struggles in sending its representatives through Puteri Indonesia to fight and raise the name of Indonesia in the international arena. Without the support of the Indonesian people, the Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Supranational events would be meaningless.

"Various achievements have been made by Puteri Indonesia in various international events solely to raise the name of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. This is of course not easy without the support of the entire Indonesian people. The best achievements that YPI has achieved are the Top 10 Miss Universe, 1st place in Miss Universe International and 2nd Runner up in the Miss Suprantional event and other achievements such as the best national costume and other achievements," said Mega. In addition to these achievements, YPI also has a special mission as a sense of nationalism by promoting cultural-based industrial products made by the nation's children, tourism and culture through clothing, jewelry and cosmetics that are displayed during quarantine and during international contests.Puteri Indonesia also appears to build solidarity, friendship between countries in the world with a message of peace as part of world association.

“That is one of the forms of nationalism of the nation's children through Puteri Indonesia in the international arena. YPI also thanks Indonesian netizens, Puteri Indonesia alumni and Miss Supranational alumni especially pageant lovers who have been providing support to Indonesian women who compete in international events including how netizens struggle when votes are needed, and we know exactly what their struggles are for Indonesian name," concluded Mega.