Fraud Perpetrator Arrested, Baim Wong: Hopefully 4 Years In Prison Deterrence

JAKARTA - Baim Wong is known as a YouTuber who likes to give help and give away to his followers. Unfortunately, this kindness is used by irresponsible people by giving them the lure of giving away asking for something in return.

This fraudulent act also took place in June and August 2021. Then this fraud was reported by Baim Wong and the victim. In the end, the perpetrators were caught.

The police arrested two gangs of fraudsters from South Sulawesi. In their action, the two gangs used a quiz mode using the name of the artist Baim Wong.

"So he usually blasts first, blasts them all at random. Later if someone gets stuck there," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Tuesday, September 7.

"The contents are congratulations that your mobile number has been chosen to get a prize of 50 million from the give away from Baim Wong.id_andaspr27c7," he continued.

Currently, the perpetrators are already behind bars. They are suspected of under Article 378 of the Criminal Code and are threatened with 4 years in prison. Baim was relieved that the culprit was caught.

"After going through a fairly long process, they were finally arrested along with the evidence. By using my name, THEY are already very disturbing.. Because many of them have managed to cheat, while I can't do anything," wrote Baim Wong on Instagram quoted Wednesday , September 8th.

Baim Wong feels aggrieved because it is not uncommon for victims to ask him for direct accountability. Therefore, when the conspirators were arrested, Baim Wong also expressed his gratitude to the police.

"Even my name is sometimes ugly, because most of them are tricked, ask for my accountability directly. Thank you @poldametrojaya. Hopefully this incident will make them deterrent. MINIMUM PENALTY 4 YEARS PRISON," closed Baim Wong.