Ganjar Pramowo And HM Al Khadziq Hope Farmers' Tobacco Is Purchased At A Reasonable Price

TEMANGGUNG - During the tobacco harvest, farmers start selling their crops. However, large cigarette manufacturers are sometimes reluctant or slow to absorb farmers' tobacco. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Temanggung Regent HM Al Khadziq both took to the field.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked cigarette factories to accelerate the purchase of tobacco from farmers who are currently harvesting, especially in Temanggung and surrounding areas.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when checking a number of tobacco warehouses owned by PT. Djarum and PPT. Gudang Garam in Temanggung Regency, Central Java, Monday 6 September.

In two tobacco warehouses owned by PT. Djarum was still empty and there was no farmer's tobacco purchase activity, while the PT. Gudang Garam is already busy buying and selling tobacco.

Ganjar Pranowo inspects farmers' tobacco. (Intermediate Doc)

"Now this is good, the warehouse is ready, the pile of 'mbako' is high, so why am I checking here to make sure there is acceleration. Hopefully other manufacturers like Djarum can help do the same thing," he said as reported by Antara.

Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he had communicated with the owners of cigarette factories to help speed things up

farmers' tobacco absorption, even calling the boss of PT. Djarum related to it. "I called the owner to immediately absorb the farmers' tobacco. Today I saw that the warehouse was still small, so I asked for an acceleration," he said.

According to Ganjar, accelerating the absorption of tobacco from farmers is very important today considering that farmers are currently harvesting and supported by good weather.

Regent of Temanggung

When Ganjar visited grader Djarum in Temanggung, at the same time the Regent of Temanggung HM Al Khadziq visited Grader Djarum in Parakan. "I checked the management's commitment (tobacco companies) which he said starting this week would open up wider absorption of our farmers' tobacco," he said.

Regent of Temanggung HM Al Khadziq. (Intermediate Photo)

From the results of field checks, there has been some stretching, an increase compared to last week. But according to HM Al Khadziq it is still not optimal. The benchmark factory price also has not increased. "Come on, sir, raise the price again, sir," he said.

According to the Regent, if one big manufacturer quickly absorbs people's tobacco, usually other large manufacturers will follow suit, so that prices are competitive in the field and the people benefit. But if one of the big manufacturers slows down absorption, the other big manufacturers will become the sole players in the field so that prices are sluggish and the people lose money.

To overcome this situation HM Al Khadziq proposed two stages. "Factories can speed up the absorption of tobacco, among others, by increasing the price benchmark and loosening the standard for the quality of goods a bit. There will definitely be a fast flow of buying and selling goods.


Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association (APTI) Agus Parmuji confirmed that tobacco farmers are currently confused because when the harvest season arrives, industry absorption is still low.

"So we are pleased with the Governor's arrival to check out this tobacco warehouse, hoping to boost the acceleration of manufacturers buying tobacco from farmers. The higher the manufacturer absorbs tobacco, the better the price will be," he said.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Temanggug Regent HM Al Khadziq and APJATI Chairman Agus Parmuji hope that farmers can release their tobacco at a reasonable price.