Regent Budhi Sarwono Detained By KPK, This Is Ganjar's Shocking Message To Banjarnegara Regency Government

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked officials in the Banjarnegara Regency Government to reform themselves and change, following the arrest of Regent Budhi Sarwono by KPK investigators.

This was conveyed by Ganjar while chairing an open meeting which was attended by Deputy Regent Syamsudin and all officials in the local district government.

In the meeting, Ganjar asked all officials to continue serving the community and the arrest of the Banjarnegara Regent by the KPK should not interfere with services.

In addition, Ganjar also asked all officials in the Banjarnegara Regency to change and the case of the Regent Budhi Sarwono should be momentum to reform themselves.

"Are you ready to change or not? Stop the business of extortion, gratification, and corruption. Do you agree or not?" said GANJAR at the Banjarnegara Regency Pendapa, reported by Antara, Monday, September 6.

Ganjar's question was addressed to all the officials in the place and all of them answered in unison in agreement.

"Well then I will accompany you later, Banjarnegara must move forward. Let's save Banjarnegara," he said.

Met after the event, Ganjar said that his arrival this time was to ensure that public services in Banjarnegara Regency should not be disrupted.

In addition, the question of appointing the daily executor of the Banjarnegara Regent has also been signed.

"I have signed the letter, so I asked the Deputy Regent to take immediate steps. At the beginning of this incident, I called the Deputy Regent and the response was good," he said.

In his briefing, Ganjar has also given instructions and steps so that the Banjarnegara Regency Government avoids similar incidents in the future.

"Let's digitize the budget politics, if it's difficult, we'll help. Everything must be electronic, I also encourage all officials to report LHKPN. It must include the DPRD," he said. Ganjar also asked the gratification control unit to be managed and suggested that he cooperate with the KPK in the context of coordination, supervision, and prevention in Banjarnegara Regency.

"I ordered, this is only nine months of tenure, so this is the momentum to reform yourself. Serve the community easily, cheaply, and quickly. Inside must be transparent, accountable, and with integrity, brush off all extortion, no more deposits," he insisted.

Ganjar also asked the ranks of the Banjarnegara Regency Government to carry out budgetary political reforms with the aim of obtaining a budget to increase additional employee income (TPP) so that ASN would not commit corruption.

"I also ask that social media be activated, so that people can communicate easily. I see that Banjarnegara's social media is not active, only BPBD is active. Now that the era is digital, we must 'go digital' and I ask everyone to open up," he said.

As reported, the KPK on Friday, September 3 night named the Regent of Banjarnegara Budhi Sarwono (BS) as a suspect in a case of alleged corruption related to the procurement of goods and services at the Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, 2017-2018 and receiving gratuities.