Airlangga Brings Good News: Indonesia's 6th Highest Number Of COVID-19 Vaccinations In The World

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto stated that the number of COVID-19 vaccinations carried out by Indonesia was currently ranked 6th globally.

"Indonesia is ranked 6th in the world, but we still have to be vigilant and must work hard to accelerate vaccination," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 6 September.

Airlangga said that as many as 105.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been injected to the public as of Sunday (5/9), including 66.78 million doses of the first vaccine and 38.22 million doses of the second vaccine.

In addition, the third dose of vaccination as a booster for health workers has also been carried out to 713,068 people, while vaccination of children aged 12-17 years has been carried out to 2.77 million children with the first dose and 1.9 million children with the second dose.

He ensured that the government would continue to accelerate the acceleration of vaccination, including for the elderly population and the general public, especially those aged over 12 years and pregnant women.

"We must continue to work hard to accelerate vaccination, especially for the elderly population. The government will continue to formulate accelerated strategies to protect these groups," he said.

Acceleration of vaccination is expected to increase people's confidence to resume activities so that the wheels of the economy can move and recovery can occur.

He said vaccination is one of the government's strategies in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which must be accompanied by increasing community discipline in implementing PPKM including 3M and 3T steps.

He explained that the positive impact of accelerating vaccination and implementing PPKM has been seen in the decrease in the number of active cases and a decrease in moderate to severe cases.

The national cure rate has reached 92.8 percent, which is greater than the global cure rate of 89.4 percent.

The number of active national cases also decreased by 65.3 percent compared to the initial PPKM leveling on August 9, with the national BOR this week also decreasing by 76 percent.

"Hopefully good cooperation from all parties can continue to be developed so that our nation can successfully control the COVID-19 pandemic and restore the national economy," Airlangga concluded.