PWI Center Ready To Hold Adinegoro Journalism Award 2021

JAKARTA - The highest and most prestigious journalistic competition in the country, namely the 2021 Adinegoro Journalism Award, is ready to be held by the Central PWI as in previous years. All journalists from print media, television and radio broadcasts, as well as cyber media in Indonesia to submit the best journalistic work in this prestigious event.

The registration stage is open from September 11, 2021 until the deadline for November 2021. This competition is open to all journalists who work actively and are recognized, not freelance journalists. PWI Pusat is waiting for the work of the press members who raise the issue of Spirit and Hope.

The chairman of the Permanent Committee for the Adinegoro Journalism Award, Rita Sri Hastuti, explained that in the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is still engulfing the country, most people feel hopeless. Therefore, journalistic work that inspires and inspires will help many people to dare to reach their hopes.

"In hope there is strength that makes us strive to achieve success and break all obstacles, while passion is a necessary tool to achieve hope. This spirit was inspired by the thoughts of the Indonesian press figure who became the name of this award, Adinegoro," said Rita Sri Hastuti.

The Adinegoro Award is a prestigious event to evaluate journalistic works. (Special)

Adinegoro in his book Falsafah Ratu Dunia, emphasizes that the press has a very close relationship with the community because the press plays an important role in recording and publishing various information that can shape public opinion.

"Therefore, journalists through their press institutions play an important role in building people's enthusiasm and expectations in living their lives," added Rita Sri Hastuti quoting.

Submit your work according to the above theme, which will be published/aired/broadcast around 1 December 2020 – 30 November 2021.

The work is in the form of in-depth reporting in print media, cyber media, television media, and radio media. The work is not serialized / not serialized.

The 2021 Adinegoro Journalism Award is divided into six categories, namely in-depth reporting for print media (AA1), in-depth reporting for cyber media (AA2), in-depth reporting for television media (AA3), and in-depth reporting for radio media (AA4).

The Adinegoro Award that was held the previous year, (Special)

Furthermore, news photos for print media and cyber media (AA5), opinion caricatures for print media and cyber media (AA6).

There is only one winner in each category who will get a prize of Rp. 25 million, a trophy, and a certificate of appreciation from the PWI/HPN 2021 Committee.

The Permanent Committee for the Adinegoro Journalism Award will also announce and award certificates of appreciation to the 30 best nominees.

Terms of submission of works:

1. All participants of the 2021 Adinegoro Journalism Award must register via the registration form on the google form: or scan the QR Code provided by the committee.

2. Each participant is required to fill out a form by enclosing a copy of his/her identity (employee/press card) and a cover letter from the editor.

3. All works from all categories must be accompanied by a synopsis/short story (2-3 paragraphs) regarding the content and the process of making it. Especially for television and radio works, the clock program along with a synopsis is also mentioned.

4. Especially for television, the minimum work must be in a minimum format of 720p (HD). If the file size is more than 1 GMB, it must be sent via video streaming services, such as Youtube, or through cloud sharing services, such as gdrive, dropbox, and the like. It is enough to just write/include the link in the specified online form. Make sure the link can be accessed by the committee and the jury.

The judging will take place from December 2021 to January 2022. The jury in the Adinegoro Journalism Award Competition consists of press figures, observers, and academics who master the field of journalism according to the assessment criteria and work professionally.

For further information regarding registration, please contact Pantap Anugerah Adinegoro 2020-2023, Katherina M M. Saukoly (WA: 0813-8537-6428), Widya (WA: 0812-1490-3421 or 021-3453131), or via email;

The delivery of the 2021 Adinegoro Journalistic Award is planned to be carried out in front of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the peak of the National Press Day on February 9, 2022 in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.