Mr Jokowi Please! This Child In Cianjur Lost 17 Years Of Contact With His Mother In Kuwait
CIANJUR - The family of Indonesian Immigrant Workers (PMI) from Cinde Village, Jatisari Village, Ianjur, West Java, hopes that the government will help the return of Yeti, who has been missing contact for 17 years.
Repi Nurhayati (21), Yeti's biological child, said in Cianjur on Wednesday that her mother left as a migrant worker to Kuwait in 2004, working in the non-formal sector. At that time, Repi was 3 years old.
"During three months of communication with my family, including with me, at that time, things went normally, my mother even sent money and packages for us. After that, we never received any news again," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 1.
Until now, various efforts have been made by the Yeti's only child to obtain information on the whereabouts of his mother, but have not succeeded because he does not know which labor service company sent him.
He said that the only person who knew which company sent the Yeti was his father, who had died a few years ago, and he didn't even have a document regarding his departure and who his mother worked for in another country.
"Until I get married and have children, I hope I can still meet my mother. I really hope that the government can help find out where my mother is. Through Astakira Renewal Cianjur, I also hope that it will be helped," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Astakira Renewal Cianjur Ali Hildan said the Indonesian Migrant Workers from Cianjur officially departed for Kuwait because in 2004 there was no moratorium on working in the Middle East.
"We will try to help the family to find the year whereabouts of Yeti, who has been missing for 17 years. We went to his family's house to collect information, both photos and information when he left," he said.