About July 1st As Bhayangkara Day

JAKARTA - Every July 1, the Indonesian calendar commemorates Bhayangkara's birthday. This year, Bhayangkara has reached the age of 74. This year's celebration is somewhat different because it is being held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) even led the ceremony virtually.

A little discussion related to the Bhayangkara formed by Gajah Mada. Bhayangkara is a superelite troop. They were assigned to guard the king and the Mataram Kingdom in the 14th century.

Not only royal members. Bhayagkara is also assigned to protect the people of Majapahit. Not just anyone, members of Bhayangkara have special abilities, one of which is aiming at the target without going off the mark.

Looking at the beginning of the establishment of Bhayangkara Polri. Previously the police were within the Ministry of Home Affairs under the name Djawatan Kep Polisi Negara.

At that time the police were only responsible for administrative matters at the Ministry of Home Affairs. Meanwhile, for operational matters, the National Police is responsible to the Attorney General.

Determination Number 11 / SD

Then, on July 1, 1946, there was the 1946 Government Decree No. 11 / SD This stipulation states that the National Police is responsible directly to the Prime Minister. Therefore, 1 July is the commemoration of Bhayangkara Day until now.

Launched a journal entitled Evaluation of Ten Years of Police Reform by Sarah Nuraini Siregar. The National Police has undergone many changes in every era. After the stipulation on July 1, 1946, the police function had not yet focused on public order issues because the condition of Indonesia at that time was not yet stable. Polri's task is to deal with smuggling or embezzlement related to the economic development of the people.

Then, when entering the New Order (Orba), the position of the Police was still combined in a single institution, namely the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI). This is based on Law No. 13 of 1961. The merger of the National Police and Abri caused problems because the police movement was limited and the priorities for reforming the National Police were divided.

After conducting various policies and lengthy studies, the policies governing the institution of the National Police began in 1998. At that time, the Police were separated from the TNI as an institution.

After Polri separated and became a separate institution, various regulations and policies began to be discussed. Many programs aim to enable the police to enter into partnerships with communities in order to reduce crime and improve security. It is also hoped that public trust and awareness will grow in helping the police cope with and resolve security problems.