Riot Rizieq Shihab Sympathizer Still Detained At North Jakarta Police

JAKARTA - Dozens of Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers who were arrested after being involved in a riot with police officers around the DKI Jakarta High Court, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, were finally released.

Rizieq Shihab's legal team member, Aziz Yanuar confirmed the release of the sympathizers. According to him, almost all of Rizieq's sympathizers who were detained by the police during the riots on Monday, August 30, had been released yesterday.

"Alhamdulillah, almost all of them went home," Aziz said when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, September 1.

Dozens of Rizieq's sympathizers were arrested after being involved in a riot with police officers. The riot occurred shortly after the reading of the appeal decision on the case of the UMMI Hospital's swab test results.

The Panel of Judges rejected Rizieq's appeal and still sentenced him to 4 years in prison according to the decision of the first instance court.

Aziz said that at least 39 sympathizers were arrested by the police. They were taken to three places, namely Polda Metro Jaya, Polres Central Jakarta, and Polres North Jakarta.

Rizieq Shihab's legal team immediately provided legal assistance to the detained sympathizers.

"Alhamdulillah, all of the Polda have been released yesterday afternoon. There are still 2 North Jakarta Resort Police, 5 Central Jakarta Resort Police," he said.

He targets sympathizers who are still being detained to be released on Wednesday, September 1 this afternoon.

Deputy Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Setyo said the riots began when the police tried to disperse the crowd.

The officers initially persuasively urged the masses to disperse because the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing. DKI Jakarta is also still implementing the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities or PPKM level 3 which prohibits people from gathering.

"We urge the reading of the verdict to be completed, please return to your respective regions," said Setyo.

However, a number of Rizieq's sympathizers did not heed the police's advice. They actually attacked the officers. Finally, the officers made an effort to forcefully disperse the crowd with tear gas.

Some of the people who carried out the attack were immediately arrested by the police.