Good News, Juanda Airport Surabaya Presents COVID-19 Antigen Test Service Without Getting Out Of The Vehicle

JAKARTA - Juanda International Airport Surabaya in Sidoarjo, East Java opened a COVID-19 antigen test service without going down to avoid crowds that risk increasing the transmission of COVID-19.

PTS. General Manager of Juanda International Airport, MMA. Indah Preastuty said, for the convenience of service users, Juanda International Airport innovated to add one additional facility, namely an antigen test with non-stop service.

"To take advantage of this service, service users do not need to get out of the vehicle or queue and this has been operating since August 26, 2021 in the parking area of Juanda International Airport," he said, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

He said the non-stop antigen test service was open from 04.30 WIB to 18.00 WIB every day.

"We hope that with this additional facility, it can provide other options for service users who will carry out antigen tests, especially those who do not want to get off the vehicle," he said.

Previously, he said, his party already had a walk-in RT PCR and antigen service in the parking area which had been serving passengers in collaboration with PT Angkasa Pura Supports.

He explained, since August 23, 2021, prospective passengers who will depart from Juanda Airport are required to have the PeduliLindung application on their smart phone (smartphone).

He said the requirements for using the PeduliLindung application were based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of Health Number HK.02.01/MENKES/847/2021 concerning the Digitization of Health Documents for Air Transportation Users who were Integrated with the Peduli Protect Application.

"The implementation of the policy has been discussed and prepared jointly by all airport stakeholders," he said.

He said, currently checking health documents through the PeduliLindung application is underway.

"To anticipate obstacles that may arise in the field, we provide a help desk for Port Health Office (KKP) officers whose function is to assist prospective passengers who have problems at the stage of validating health documents," he said.

In addition, his party also reminded prospective passengers to arrive early at the airport before departure time.

"Because the health document validation process takes time, we urge passengers to pay attention to the departure time and arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before departure time so that the trip is more comfortable. Our customer service officers are also ready to help passengers who have difficulty at the airport, " he said.

Chelsea, a Lion Air passenger to Denpasar, said that the use of the PeduliLindung application and the vaccine center service greatly facilitated the departure process.

"Incidentally, there was a sudden event in Bali and there was no vaccine yet, so we had the vaccine at the airport. We already had a negative PCR result and a ticket, so we were served immediately. The PCR results are also in the application, so there is no need to bring a hardcopy anymore," he said.