Social Minister Risma Asks Channeling Banks To Reopen Blocked PKM Cards In Riau

PEKANBARU - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini asked channeling banks to immediately reopen all blocked social assistance cards (Bansos) for beneficiary families (KPM) in Riau Province.

"This is what blocked the bank, the Ministry of Social Affairs has not blocked the card. It's a pity that the assistance has not been taken, I ask that all the blocks be opened today. We will open all the blocks in Riau, one by one it will be difficult," said Risma during a meeting with PKH facilitators, BPNT, distributor Himbara and Head of Social Services throughout Riau in Pekanbaru quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

The policy was conveyed by Risma regarding the government providing facilities for the disbursement of social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) for residents living in water areas and remote islands in Riau Province.

Tri Rismaharini explained that his party took a geographical approach, the concept was for residents in islands, waters and remote areas. The bank is far away, so the bank must come. So, in order for these residents to disburse aid, banks must visit the island, especially if they have 20-50 customers.

He gave an example of the case in Pelalawan, Riau, where there was one social assistance recipient who had not transacted or disbursed his aid due to transportation costs.

"Because the transportation costs incurred to ride a pompong or engine boat are not comparable to the assistance that will be received. In addition, the distance is up to 4 hours to reach the nearest bank in the neighboring province, Riau Islands," he said.

The solution, continued Risma, is that it can be disbursed every six months, not blocked every three months. We'll revise it later and feel sorry for them, especially since they traveled four hours to pick up the social assistance by crossing the river.

He said that based on the recapitulated data, there were at least five regencies/cities in Riau that submitted reports of no transactions and were not distributed in stages I and II, namely Pekanbaru, Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, Indragiri Hilir, and Kampar.

Risma said that of the 72,766 KPH beneficiary families (KPM) in the five regions, in phase I there were 74 KPM that were not distributed and 202 KPM did not transact. Meanwhile, in phase II, there were 822 KPM that were not distributed and 2,662 KPM did not transact.

"This is the problem that many cards have not been distributed and are blocked. How come they haven't been distributed, where are the cards now? I ask for distribution today, those who are blocked immediately unblock them. It's a sin if you don't distribute it, this is the right of the poor," said Risma.