UI Epidemiologist: Face-to-face Learning Must Be Careful Because It Coincides With Social Easing

JAKARTA - Epidemiologist from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (UI) Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono reminded that the implementation of limited face-to-face learning (PTM) in various regions must be carried out carefully, because it coincides with the easing of social activities in the community.

"Learning coincides with social easing, I'm afraid there will be small explosions," said Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

Therefore, he asked for the determination of the PPKM level based on an assessment of the pandemic situation that measures the rate of transmission of the virus to be carried out properly to avoid negative impacts on students.

"The PPKM level is the first indicator based on virus transmission, based on the number of cases in the area, it must be done properly," said Tri Yunis.

In addition, he continued, the response of the district or city government to the health system, namely 3T (testing, tracing and treatment) must also be considered carefully.

Separately, the Head of the Expert Team for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the government would stop PTM activities in schools for three days if it was found that students were infected with COVID-19.

Wiku said the survey results showed the majority of students had the awareness and willingness to participate in the national COVID-19 vaccination program.

Wiku said limited face-to-face learning had been held in several regions in Indonesia which were already at level 1 to 3, such as DKI Jakarta, Central Java and East Java.

"In general, the implementation of limited PTM has been going well and several records related to health protocols have been found which will continue to be improved, including random testing, recapitulation of COVID-19 case reports and vaccination coverage in education units," he said.