MK Decides TWK According To The Constitution, KPK Waits For Material Trial At The Supreme Court

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it was still waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) related to the judicial review regarding the implementation of the National Insight Test (TWK) for its employees.

Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata said his party would also not be big-headed even though the Constitutional Court (MK) decided in accordance with the laws and regulations.

"There is still a request for a judicial review at the Supreme Court (MA). Yes, we are also waiting for the Supreme Court's decision," Alexander told reporters, Tuesday, August 31.

This decision was taken because the decision of the Supreme Court may differ from the decision of the Constitutional Court.

Thus, his party refused to give further attitudes regarding the implementation of the TWK for employees who did not release 75 employees, including senior investigator Novel Baswedan.

"Let's finish it all because the MA concerns the commission regulations which are the legal basis for the TWK," said Alexander.

As previously reported, the Constitutional Court stated that the process of transferring the status of KPK employees through the national insight test (TWK) did not conflict with the 1945 Constitution so that it remained constitutional.

The decision was taken by nine Constitutional Justices, namely Anwar Usman as Chairman and concurrently member, Aswanto, Arief Hidayat, Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh, Enny Nurbaningsih, Manahan MP Sitompul, Saldi Isra, Suhartoyo, and Wahiduddin Adams, each as members.

The verdict answers the lawsuit Number 34/PUU-XIX/2021 filed by Muh Yusuf Sahide as the Executive Director of KPK Watch Indonesia.