Observers Say Rhoma Irama And The Bogor Regency Task Force Are Both Wrong

JAKARTA - Sworddut Rhoma Irama admitted that he was surprised why he seemed to be the one to blame for the entertainment event in Pamijahan, Bogor Regency, West Java.

This entertainment stage was held by a Pamijahan resident named Surya Atmaja during his son's circumcision ceremony. Previously, Rhoma had announced that he and the music group Soneta would appear at the event. However, recently Rhoma canceled.

On Sunday, June 28, where the event was held, Rhoma still came as an invited guest. He did not bring his band, Sineta. However, in the end he still went up on stage and sang in front of the other guests present.

Rhoma's appearance was recorded on video and went viral on social media. The public is busy criticizing the event that gathered the residents. Because, at this time Bogor Regency still imposes a Proportional PSBB which prohibits activities of gathering residents, especially without implementing the COVID1-19 prevention protocol.

Bogor Regency Regent Ade Yasin opens his voice. In his Instagram account, Ade expressed his disappointment with the entertainment stage performance. He also admitted that he would take legal action against the violators of the PSBB.

"Dangdut entertainment activities today in Pamijahan are not justified. Due to the violation of the rules, the warning letter is ignored and does not apply the COVID health protocol at all. Anyone who is proven to have violated must be responsible for his actions. Indiscriminately," said Ade in the @ademunawarohyasin account, yesterday .

Ade regretted why the event was still being held, and Rhoma appeared to sing a song. This is because the Bogor Regency Government has sent an official letter to the event organizers to cancel the concert, including to Rhoma Irama.

Rhoma then regrets why he seems to be blamed from this dangdutan stage performance. In a clarification on his Instagram account, Rhoma defended himself.

"I came alone in simple clothes, because we just gathered with Pak Surya's invitation. Until there, there were many people, official invitations, lots of flower boards. I saw there was a stage there, even the capital's singer performed there. , "said Rhoma.

"I think it's safe. In fact, Sunday night there was a puppet show until morning. So, suddenly there was news that I wanted to be prosecuted. This just seems strange to me," he continued.

According to Rhoma, if the event had violated it, the Regent of Bogor Regency Ade Yasin should have dismissed the event from the start. Because, Rhoma appeared on stage in the afternoon, while the event was held since morning.

"Why am I suddenly the target? This I think is unfair. Actually, the person in charge held the show. For me, it was only an invitation. That means, those who are responsible for all the invitations present there must also be processed legally "said Rhoma.

Considered equally wrong

Responding to this polemic, public policy observer from Trisakti University Trubus Rahadiansyah considered that both Rhoma Irama and the Bogor Regency Task Force were wrong.

Trubus said that the Bogor Regency Task Force should have taken action against events that violated the PSBB from the start. Not waiting for cases to become crowded on social media and to give sanctions.

"This shows the weak enforcement of the PSBB law from the local government. They were negligent in monitoring, which resulted in the event being held, the new period was busy and it was being dealt with firmly," Trubus told VOI, Tuesday, June 30.

On the other hand, Trubus thinks Rhoma is also not completely right. Because, Rhoma should have refused to appear on the entertainment stage that gathered the masses.

If later this case is processed legally, then he will be affected as a person who participates in the investigation of the case.

"Rhoma is in the category of disobedient society. Rhoma as a public figure should be an example, not ignore the violation," said Trubus.