Jakarta Starts Face-to-Face Schools, Students Must Also Supervise Teachers Who Disobey Prokes

JAKARTA - A total of 610 schools from PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, to SMK and equivalent levels have started to hold face-to-face learning (PTM) today. PTM was held on a limited basis with the obligation to implement health protocols.

An epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia, Pandu Riono, said that monitoring health protocols (prokes) should not only focus on students. Students are also asked to supervise the teacher and their friends in the implementation of the process.

"Students must also supervise their teachers and the community in their school environment. So, they can realize that they are threatened if an adult or their friend does not wear the correct mask. So not only from the teacher, but students can also supervise the teacher and other people in the environment. school," said Pandu when contacted on Monday, August 30.

Then, Pandu reminded schools to maintain air circulation in the classroom where PTM is located. The windows in the classroom must always be open. Then, the teacher does not need to shout while teaching.

"The teacher also doesn't shout when teaching. The source of transmission is from droplets. Wearing a mask also doesn't 100 percent prevent (the transmission of COVID-19)," said Pandu.

Schools, continued Pandu, must also coordinate intensely with the puskesmas, the DKI Health Office, and the DKI Satpol PP.

If a case of COVID-19 is found for any student or education staff participating in the PTM, the school must immediately report to the local health center so that contact tracing can be carried out immediately.

Not to forget, students who have returned home from school must be ensured to go home immediately. In this case, there needs to be a role from the ranks of the Satpol PP and each parent.

"When you come home from school you have to go home. If a child is still wearing a uniform and wanders outside, the Satpol PP must take action. However, if the child has returned home but he comes back out, it is the responsibility of the parents to supervise," Pandu explained.

For information, the method of implementing learning in Jakarta is currently done through blended learning, namely learning in class and learning online.

The face-to-face learning time for each level is as follows: a. SMA/SMK equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 5 hours of lessons (175 minutes a week) b. Junior high school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 4 hours of lessons (140 minutes a week) c. Elementary school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 3 hours of lessons (105 minutes a week) d. PAUD maximum 30 minutes x 2 hours of lessons (60 minutes a week)

In a week, PTM is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Meanwhile, on Tuesday and Thursday, disinfectant was sprayed throughout the school environment. The DKI Provincial Government has not required students to enter school to have been vaccinated.

Class conditions that apply face-to-face learning: a. SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTs, SD, MI, and learning equality programs by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class. b. SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, MTsLB and SMLB, MALB learn by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class. c. PAUD learns in class by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.