Remember, The Ban On Single-use Plastic Bags In Jakarta Starts To Take Effect Tomorrow

JAKARTA - The ban on single-use plastic bags in Jakarta will be implemented starting tomorrow, July 1. This is stated in Governor Regulation Number 142 of 2019 concerning the Obligation to Use Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bags.

This Pergub was signed last January. Then the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government conducted a socialization on the ban on single-use plastic bags to traders for six months.

Article 5 Pergub 142/2019 states that managers of shopping centers, supermarkets and public markets are required to use environmentally friendly shopping bags.

One of the sectors that produces the largest plastic waste in Jakarta is traditional markets. Every day, traditional markets produce 600 tons of waste. Therefore, Head of Perumda Pasar Jaya, Arief Nasruddin, said that the ban on single-use bags would be carried out in all trading areas in the market.

"According to the stages, as of July 1, 2020, regional leaders, both managers and market heads, should oversee the activities of banning single-use plastic bags in their market areas," Arief told reporters, Tuesday, June 30.

Arief said that if the single-use bag ban was implemented, it would significantly reduce DKI Jakarta's waste. When market traders reduce single-use plastics, consumers automatically reduce the use of plastic bags because they have brought the bag from home.

"It is hoped that visitors and market traders will be ready to implement the plastic ban in early July," he said.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency Andono Warih asked shopping centers to conduct socialization and education to consumers to reuse shopping bags.

Given that eco-friendly shopping bags are more expensive than single-use plastic bags, the DKI Provincial Government allows shops to sell at a certain price.

Then, business actors in shopping centers, convenience stores, and public markets are also prohibited from providing single-use plastic shopping bags. "Entrepreneurs or tenants must provide environmentally friendly shopping bags for free," said Andono.

If business actors such as shopping centers and shops do not heed this rule, there will be sanctions that will apply. The sanctions range from written warnings, administrative fines, license suspension, to business license revocation.