Mahfud's Orders For End Of Year Security: Beware Of Sweeping And Intolerance
JAKARTA - The National Police held a cross-sectoral coordination meeting with related ministries and agencies to explain the security for the 2019 Christmas and New Year 2020 celebrations codenamed Operation Candle 2019.
The coordination meeting which took place at the Auditorium, PTIK, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, was attended by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, National Police Chief General Idham Azis, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo.
Mahfud, who was the leader in the coordination meeting, explained several things that are of concern in securing Christmas and New Year. Among other things, the threat of terrorism, the smooth flow of homecoming, and the disruption of the National Defense Forces.
Mahfud emphasized that the problem of kamtibmas disruption must be handled properly. He wanted the National Police to take preventive measures in this matter, including threats of intolerance and sweeping from certain parties.
"Actions of terror threats, private sweeping by certain individuals, intolerance between religious communities and burning of places of worship must be anticipated as early as possible," Mahfud said in Jakarta, Friday, December 13.
Kamtibmas disturbance was one of the highlights, with the reason that the crime rate increased by 27.49 percent. Because in 2018-2019, 4,012 cases were recorded. Meanwhile, in 2017-18 there were only 2,909 cases.
After explaining these points, the coordination meeting that was previously open was closed. Thus, it is not known in more detail what matters were discussed at the meeting.
Until finally, after several hours had passed, the coordination meeting was over. Mahfud again gave his statement about what was being discussed.
According to him, the coordination meeting had taken into account all indications that could disrupt the Christmas and New Year celebrations. Thus, various anticipatory steps have been prepared.
"In general, we have prepared everything so that the two big days, one Christmas and the second New Year, starting from security, infrastructure, then defense, transportation, then fuel, as well as intelligence, we have all prepared so that nothing happens," he explained. Mahfud.
In addition, the Kemenkopolhukam has mapped areas that have the potential for disturbances at the end of this year. However, it was not explained in detail about the area and continued to mention if it would be anticipated according to existing needs.
"We have noted the vulnerability of certain places and sectors, of course we will anticipate it," said Mahfud.
Separately, Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Argo Yuwono said in this cross-sectoral coordination meeting only discussed the matter of police steps in securing Christmas and New Year. Candle operation 2019 is again mentioned as the main discussion.
Later, the operation will take place from 23 December to 1 October 2020. "The candle operation is carried out for 10 days, this is one of the security measures," said Argo.