Medan Public Works Agency Boosts Infrastructure Improvements In 59 Locations

MEDAN - The Medan City Public Works Agency (PU) is pushing to improve infrastructure, including roads and drainage at 59 points in this area, which will be carried out until the end of 2021.

"There are 59 packages that we are working on this year. In the past few weeks, we have implemented them," said Head of the Medan City Public Works Agency, Zulfansyah Ali Sahputra, quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 28.

There are also infrastructure improvements, according to him, including Bunga Asoka Street, HM Yamin Street, Karya Wisata Street, and Sei Belutu Street.

Medan City Government has made infrastructure improvement in one of the five priority programs that must be completed within two years.

"The mayor has budgeted Rp45 billion to repair roads, drainage, and river flows so that the city of Medan is free from flooding problems," he asserted.

His party in the 2021 Local Government Budget (APBD) amendment has also budgeted for more road repairs, especially major roads such as Sunggal Road and AR Hakim Road.

"In the 2021 APBD changes, we will repair more roads massively, especially major roads," said Zulfansyah.