Hutama Karya Raises Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar Toll Rates In Lampung Starting Sunday, August 29

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) as the manager of the Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar (Bakter) Toll Road in Lampung will officially enforce tariff adjustments starting Sunday, August 29, at 00.00 WIB.

Director of Operations III Hutama Karya, Koentjoro said that it was important to adjust the tariff as a form of certainty of investment returns.

"In addition to having been regulated by regulations from the government, tariff adjustments also need to be made to maintain investor confidence and to build a conducive toll road investment climate. There needs to be a return of funds obtained from toll revenues so that the returns are by the agreed business plan for sustainability. the toll road", said Koentjoro in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 27.

The tariff adjustment has been followed by an increase in Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in which the company is committed to providing optimal service for all toll road users.

"In terms of transaction services, we have added several toll booths, namely 2 toll booths at the South Bakauheni Toll Gate (GT), where from 5 to 7 substations and 2 toll booths at GT Kotabaru from 4 to 6 substations. 6 units of Mobile Reader in South Bakauheni GT and 2 units of Mobile Reader in Terbanggi Besar GT. In terms of improving traffic services, Hutama Karya is also consistent in carrying out ODOL vehicle control activities", said Koentjoro.

After massive socialization since June 12, 2021, based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Number 732/KPTS/M/2021 regarding the Tariff Adjustment for the Bakauheni – Terbanggi Besar (Bakter) Toll Road on June 9, 2021, Hutama Karya as the manager of the Bakter Toll Road, informs that the tariff adjustment will officially take effect, starting from Sunday, August 29 at 00.00 WIB.

The toll tariff adjustment has been regulated based on the regulation on Toll Roads contained in Presidential Regulation Number 17 of 2021 concerning the fourth amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads where it is stated that the evaluation and adjustment of toll rates are carried out every two years based on the influence of inflation rate.

Previously, the company had carried out massive socialization over the past few months, either through social media, official company press releases, as well as outdoor media such as banners, billboards, and Variable Message Signs (VMS).

Hutama Karya has also conducted a Limited Virtual Internal Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to disseminate information on the Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar Toll Tariff Adjustment together with regulators and Key Opinion Leader (KOL).

The Key Opinion Leaders who attended the FGD included the Expert Staff of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Endra Atmawidjaja, Special Staff III to the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, Transportation Agency of Lampung Province, Chair of YLKI, and several other stakeholders.