The Day After Tomorrow, DKI PPBD's Achievement Path Opens

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will open registration for new student admissions (PPDB) for academic achievement on the day after tomorrow, July 1 to July 3, 2020. This route is for prospective junior high and high school students provided as much as 25 percent.

This route is the last way for prospective junior and senior high school students who wish to enter public schools. There is a 20 percent quota for prospective new students from DKI Jakarta and 5% for prospective new students from outside DKI Jakarta.

Meanwhile, for the SMK level, a quota of 55 percent is prepared, consisting of 50 percent for new student candidates from DKI Jakarta and 5 percent for prospective new students from outside DKI Jakarta.

"For students who have not passed the selection, they can re-register on the path of academic achievement. This route is intended to accommodate and appreciate prospective students who excel academically," said Nahdiana at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 29.

The main selection used in this academic achievement pathway takes into account the average academic score for the last 5 semesters and the accreditation value of the original school used for elementary to junior high school levels.

"The selection includes subjects in Indonesian language, mathematics, natural sciences, and citizenship education," he said.

Then, the report cards used for junior high school to high school or vocational high school levels include Indonesian, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and English.

Nahdiana explained, the selection process was carried out by sorting from the highest value and the lower value according to the available quota. The selection process and school choice in this academic achievement pathway are not bound by zoning.

"Prospective new students can register and choose schools in all areas of DKI Jakarta. New prospective students can choose 3 school choices according to the priority order of choice," he said.

Furthermore, if the three choices have not passed the selection, prospective new students can register and re-elect another school all the time they are still in the academic achievement pathway selection period, which is until 3 July 2020 at 15.00 WIB.

For information, currently PPDB DKI Jakarta has passed the PPDB 2020 selection process stages, namely the inclusion pathway, the affirmation pathway, the non-academic achievement pathway, and the zoning route.