The KPK Supervisory Board Will Examine Other Witnesses Who Know That Firli Was Riding A Privately Owned Helicopter

JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that his party would examine a number of parties who knew about the incident KPK chairman Firli Bahuri boarded a helicopter belonging to a private company for his personal needs.

This is because in investigating the events that were reported as suspected violations of the code of ethics, the KPK Dewas also needed information from other parties.

"Investigations related to the alleged violation of the code of ethics, of course, are not sufficiently based on the testimony of one person," KPK Supervisory Board member Syamsuddin Haris told reporters Monday, June 29.

He said that the supervisory board will continue to collect evidence and ask for testimony from witnesses who know the events

"Dewas will continue to collect evidence and ask for statements from witnesses and parties who know, hear, see, and / or have information related to the issue," he said.

It is known that some time ago, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri was reported to the KPK Supervisory Board for using a helicopter with the PK-JTO code belonging to a private company for his personal interests, namely conducting pilgrimages to burial graves of people in Baturaja.

This reporting was carried out by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman and submitted by electronic mail.

"MAKI has submitted via email to the KPK Supervisory Board a complaint against the alleged violation of the code of ethics by Firli, the Chairman of the KPK for the use of a luxury helicopter for the trip from Palembang to Baturaja on Saturday, June 20," Boyamin said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 24.

For his actions, MAKI suspected that Firli had violated the code of ethics. Because, according to Boyamin, the trip from Palembang to Baturaja only takes four hours by road.

So, Firli is not supposed to use a helicopter but can use a car. "This is against the code of ethics for the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which is prohibited from having a luxurious lifestyle," he said.

Boyamin's conviction that Firli showed a luxurious lifestyle was further enhanced by knowing that the helicopter used by the former KPK Deputy for Action was a helimousin. Because, this helicopter was once used by motivator Tung Desem Waringin.

The regulation in question is the KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the Corruption Eradication Commission in point 27 regarding the regulation of integrity, every KPK employee is prohibited from showing a hedonistic lifestyle.

"Not showing a hedonistic lifestyle as a form of empathy for the community, especially for fellow Commission personnel," the regulation said.

Apart from Boyamin, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana suspects that Firli received gratification for using a helicopter belonging to a private company for his personal gain.

"If this helicopter is a facility from a certain party, there is a strong suspicion that a criminal act of corruption has occurred in the form of receiving gratuities," said Kurnia, Wednesday, June 24.

On this suspicion, ICW urged the KPK to carry out further investigations. So, it can be known who provided the helicopter facility, what was the motive, and whether the party providing the facility was in the middle of a case handled by the anti-graft agency.

"If the KPK investigation produces results, then Komjen Firli Bahuri may be subject to Article 12 B of the Corruption Law with a maximum threat of life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years in prison," said the anti-corruption activist.

Defended by colleagues

The polemic regarding the use of helicopters that led to the reporting of the KPK Dewas responded by KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata. Alex said that Firli did not receive gratuities because he paid for the use of the helicopter.

The reason for using the helicopter is to save travel time from Palembang to Baturaja, South Sumatra, which is the hometown of the three-star General.

"The consideration is that from Palembang to the village he can take the car for seven hours or how many hours, yes, if the PP is more than a day, even though the time is one day off. That's why he hired the helicopter. How come he said the helicopter was paid," Alexander told reporters in Jakarta, June 26. .

"Regardless of what the public thinks, but in terms of time efficiency, that's what he considers. Because he only takes one day off," he added.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri later spoke up. He admitted that he did not want to respond too much to the alleged violation of the code of conduct.

"I only work and work," Firli told reporters.

When asked further about his trip using the helicopter, Firli even said that he was also reported by certain parties when he met with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD some time ago.

"I was also complained about being present at the meeting (with, red) Menkopolhukam," he said.

Firli did have several meetings with Mahfud MD. Finally, he held a meeting at the Kemenkopolhukam Office on Monday, June 22. In the meeting, the National Police Chief General Idham Aziz and Attorney General ST Burhanuddin were present.

However, the former Deputy for Corruption Eradication of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did not explain further who reported it and said that it was true that he held a meeting with Mahfud MD.

"I just need to say that it was true that I met the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, that's all," he said.

He will not respond further to the polemic that has developed in the community due to his alleged violation of the code of ethics. "We just work. Our time is up for responding to criticism and complaints," he concluded.