DKI Provincial Government Asked Not To Rapel On Social Assistance, Must Be Distributed Every Month

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Idris Ahmad criticized the mechanism for providing social assistance distributed by the DKI Provincial Government which distributes it every three months.

The social assistance referred to is basic food assistance, Jakarta Smart Card (KJP), Jakarta Children Card (KAJ), Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ) and Jakarta Persons with Disabilities Card (KPDJ).

Idris considers that the distribution of social assistance which is often carried out is not appropriate. In fact, information and socialization of aid distribution are still minimal.

"In fact, the provision of social assistance is packaged to be disbursed every month in order to help residents manage family finances," said Idris in his statement, Wednesday, August 25.

Idris asked the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to understand that the pandemic condition made more and more residents depend on social assistance for their lives. Thus, the accuracy of distribution is important.

"Delays are no longer allowed. We must be aware that currently the economic conditions are difficult and social assistance is a lifeline for the poor in Jakarta," said Idris.

The assumption that delays in the distribution of social assistance are often justified, according to Idris, is a setback from public services and must be corrected immediately. Therefore, Idris urges the DKI Provincial Government to accelerate the registration process once a month in accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 3 of 2021. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government needs to immediately implement revision of Pergub Number 17 of 2019 so that registration of social assistance can be done quickly.

"The social assistance disbursement process is carried out on time once a month and no longer tolerates delays. Moreover, it is carried out once every three months," he said.

Furthermore, the DKI Provincial Government needs to increase socialization and social assistance at the kelurahan level so that there are no more eligible citizens who do not receive assistance. In addition, residents who are rejected also need to get a report on the reasons for not being rejected.