AGO Ready To Face Lawsuit By Panama Shining Shipping SA Company Over Asabri Confiscation

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated that it is ready to face a lawsuit filed by a Panamanian company, Shining Shipping SA regarding the seizure of 51 percent of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk's shares in PT Hanochem Shipping owned by Heru Hidayat, a corruption defendant in PT Asabri.

The Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Dirdik Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Supardi, said that his party did not object to the lawsuit and was ready to face it.

"Everyone has the right to file a lawsuit, we will definitely face the lawsuit. No problem," Supardi said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 24.

According to Supardi, his party learned about the lawsuit from media colleagues. However, the lawsuit will not hinder the legal process being handled by the AGO regarding Asabri's corruption.

"The lawsuit does not prevent the settlement of the case at all," he said.

The Panamanian company Shining Shipping SA has sued the Indonesian Attorney General's Office (AGO) to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the confiscation of 51 percent of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk's shares in PT Hanochem Shipping.

The confiscation was carried out because the President Commissioner (Komut) of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk Heru Hidayat was a defendant in the alleged corruption case of financial management and investment funds at PT Asabri in 2016-2019.

The lawsuit was also filed with the Jakarta Administrative Court. Based on the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Jakarta Administrative Court, Monday (23/8), the lawsuit has the number 199/G/2021/PTUN.JKT

Shining Shipping SA admitted that they were shocked by the confiscation because they did not know what had happened.

In its lawsuit, Shining Shipping asked the court judge to grant his claim in its entirety. Declaring null or void the Seizure Order of the Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes No. Print 141/F.2/Fd.2/05/2021 dated May 20, 2021 as stated in the Minutes of Confiscation dated May 24, 2021 and the Minutes of Confiscation dated May 24, 2021 regarding the confiscation of 51 percent of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk's shares in PT Hanochem Shipping

Shining Shipping also asked the defendant (AGO) to revoke the Seizure Order of the Director of Investigation of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes No. Print 141/F.2/Fd.2/05/2021 dated May 20, 2021 as stated in the Minutes of Confiscation dated May 24, 2021. and Minutes of Confiscation dated May 24, 2021 regarding the seizure of 51 percent of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk's shares in PT Hanochem Shipping.

Shining Shipping also asked the court judge to order the defendant to pay the costs incurred in this case.

The suspect, Heru Hidayat, is currently on trial with seven other defendants, including former President Director of Asabri Major General TNI (Ret.) Adam Rachmat Damiri. They were charged with corruption that cost the state Rp22.78 trillion.

In addition, Heru along with Benny Tjokrosaputro and Jimmy Sutopo were also charged with money laundering.

Meanwhile, for the second time, the AGO has been sued in relation to the alleged corruption case at PT Asabri.

Previously, in early July, the Attorney General's Office was also sued by a pretrial regarding the confiscation of assets by Jimmy Tjokrosaputro, who is the younger brother of the suspect Asabri, Benny Tjokrosaputro.

The lawsuit relates to the confiscation of assets in the form of land that stands for the Hotel Brothers Inn in Central Java and Solo, which according to the respondent has nothing to do with the Asabri case.

However, the South Jakarta District Court rejected the lawsuit, because the AGO's seizure was legal.