Tuan Guru Bajang Gets 2 Commissioner Positions At Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) has decided to appoint Adiwarman Azwar Karim as the company's President Commissioner and Muhammad Zainul Majdi as Deputy President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner.

This is the main agenda set out in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of BSI which was held today.

"In this EGMS, Adiwarman Azwar Karim was appointed as President Commissioner and also Independent Commissioner of BSI and Muhammad Zainul Majdi as Deputy President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of BSI," said a BSI press release published Tuesday, August 24.

Previously, Muhammad Zainul Majdi alias Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) was heavily rumored to be the President Commissioner of BSI. However, in the end, the shareholders decided to place TGB as vice president commissioner. While Adiwarman Azwar Karim is one of the experts in the Islamic finance industry who is quite competent in the country.

In terms of performance, in the first semester of 2021, BSI recorded a net profit of Rp1.1 trillion, up 34.29 percent from the same period in the previous year or year-on-year (yoy). The increase in profit in the first semester of this year was triggered by growth in financing and quality third party funds (DPK), so that the cost of funds could be reduced. This prompted an increase in revenue margins and profit sharing which grew by around 12.71 percent year-on-year (yoy).

Meanwhile, from a business perspective, in the first semester of 2021, Himbara's sharia bank has distributed financing of up to Rp. 161.5 trillion. This number increased by around 11.73 percent from the same period in 2020 which was Rp. 144.5 trillion.

In terms of liabilities, BSI's DPK collection until the first semester of 2021 reached IDR 216.36 trillion, up 16.03 percent compared to the same period in 2020 which amounted to IDR 186.49 trillion.

Through this performance, BSI managed to record total assets of Rp. 247.3 trillion until June 2021. The score increased by around 15.16 percent yoy. In the same period last year, BSI's total assets reached Rp. 214.7 trillion.

The following is the complete line-up of the latest BNI Commissioners.

President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: Adiwarman Azwar Karim

Deputy President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: Muhammad Zainul Majdi

Commissioner: Suyanto

Commissioner: Masduki Baidlowi

Commissioner: Imam Budi Sarjito

Commissioner: Sutanto

Independent Commissioner: Bangun Sarwito Kusmulyono

Independent Commissioner: M. Arief Rosyid Hasan

Independent Commissioner: Komaruddin Hidayat