Cut Meyriska's Father Dies In Aceh

JAKARTA - Sad news came from actress Cut Meyriska. The father named Suryadi passed away today, Tuesday, August 24 in Aceh. This news was shared by Roger Danuarta through his Instagram account where he wrote his condolences along with a photo of his mother-in-law.

"Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rooji'un Allahummaghfirlahu Warhamhu Waafihi Wafuanhu. Our beloved brother/husband/father/grandfather/in-law Ir. Suryadi AK in the early hours of August 24 2021 in Aceh," wrote Roger Danuarta.

Not to forget, Roger also hopes that all the mistakes of the late father-in-law can be forgiven and all deeds can be accepted by Allah.

"We, the big family, beg to open the door of forgiveness as big as possible to him if there is an intentional or unintentional mistake. Please pray so that all of his deeds of worship are accepted by Allah SWT. Amen, Ya Rabbal Alamin. Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh," wrote Roger.

Both Roger Danuarta and Cut Meyriska did not mention the reason for the departure of their father. Apart from that, a row of public figures sent messages of condolences on Instagram.

"Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun," said Dimas Seto.

"May Allah Ta'alla accept the deeds of worship and forgive all sins, Rahimahullah, for the families left behind be given fortitude and patience to face this test," said Ingrid Kansil.

"Innalilahi wainnalilahi rojiun. My condolences. Bismillah, raudan min riyadil jannah. Alfatiha," said Marini Zumarnis.