Creating Terror By Throwing Stones At The Truck Driver On The Pantura Line, Nur Hamid Was Shot By The Police When He Was Arrested

CENTRAL JAVA - The Central Java Police arrested a terrorist who threw stones at a truck passing along the northern coast lane and its surroundings.

Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police, Commissioner Djuhandhani, said the arrest of the perpetrator was after his party followed up on reports of victims of the throwing on Jalan Sukarno Hatta, Kendal Regency, some time ago.

In the incident, the truck passenger suffered injuries due to the broken glass of the truck after being hit by stones.

"From the investigation, the police arrested the suspect Nur Hamid (42) a resident of Weleri, Kendal Regency in Mangkang, Semarang City", said Djuhandhani in Semarang, Antara, Monday, August 23.

Together with the perpetrators, the police secured evidence of a motorbike as well as a stone measuring 15x10 cm which was allegedly used by the perpetrator during the action. In the act, he said, the perpetrator chose the truck that became the victim at random.

According to him, the perpetrators usually act around 01.00 a.m. to 06.00 a.m. local time by observing the situation if there is no police patrol.

"The suspect NH is the sole perpetrator and is believed to be the perpetrator of throwing stones because after being arrested, no more similar crimes have occurred", he said.

During the arrest, the police were forced to shoot the perpetrator in the leg as he tried to escape. He said there had been a clash between the officers and the perpetrators.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code regarding persecution and Article 406 of the Criminal Code regarding destruction.