Cooperative, Family Reports Joao Da Costa After Escape From II B Kupang Detention Center

KUPANG - Class IIB Detention Center of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) arrested Joao da Costa, an inmate at this detention center who escaped on March 4, 2021. Joao is on a wanted list (DPO) by the local police.

"We immediately arrested the person in question, by visiting the family home of the inmates on the evening of Saturday, August 21," said Head of Class IIB Kupang Detention Center M Fuad Rizal, in Kupang, Antara, Sunday, August 22.

The arrest of Joao da Costa was made after the family of the person concerned reported that the inmates who had escaped were already at his parents' house.

The family finally asked only the head of the detention center and several personnel to pick up the inmates who had fled.

"Last night's arrests were requested by the family to be carried out by direct personnel and only two personnel, so that we also did not involve colleagues from the police to come to the location, we appreciate that the requests were not crowded," he said.

When the arrest was made at the family home of the inmate, the person concerned did not resist and was immediately taken to the Kupang Detention Center for a medical examination by the Kupang Detention Center medical team.

Then Joao was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital because his health condition was not good.

Currently, Joao is still being treated intensively at the Bhayangkara Polda NTT Hospital because of his health. Joao will be returned to the prison for detention once his health condition improves.

Previously on March 4, 2021, Joao escaped from the Siloam Hospital in Kupang City after being escorted by Kupang Detention Center officers to conduct a health check at the hospital.

In connection with the escape, search efforts were carried out, including cooperative efforts with the families of the inmates who fled, and the family promised to try to notify the Kupang Detention Center if their whereabouts were known.

His party also involved the police in the search for Joao. During the escape, Joao admitted that he only went in and out of the forest and lived in the forest. However, because he was not strong with his health condition, he returned home, and his family immediately reported it to the detention center.