Literacy Tracing Teaches We Misjudge Crocodiles

JAKARTA - The term land crocodile is used to describe a "bastard" man who is dualistic, even suspicious of his partner. This is in stark contrast to the fact that the predator is actually so loyal. Then, where did this term come from?

Many theories have attempted to unravel the origin of the term "ground crocodile." Some say it comes from the Legend of Baltazur which tells the story of a land crocodile from Riau. It is said that the Baltazur crocodile often preys on young girls. Not being eaten in the real sense, because usually the victim's body is found intact, but the virginity is lost.

In addition, there are also those who interpret the meaning from the crocodile's instinct when hunting. We know crocodiles hunt their prey secretly and they still eat their prey even though it has become a carcass. Therefore, humans who are unfaithful and always look for prey because their lust is like a crocodile.

From various speculations circulating, no one knows for sure the origin of the term land crocodile. However, when referring to the writing of a senior journalist and poet, Samsudin Adlawi in Tempo Magazine, the term land crocodile originated from the story of the people of Soronganyit, Jember, East Java in 1971.

Once upon a time, in Soronganyit there was a crocodile pond. The crocodile herd activity schedule is so tight. When the crocodile must be on land and must be in the water must be scheduled. One day, a male crocodile disappeared. The residents were in a commotion. They are afraid of being eaten by the escaped crocodile.

Three months passed, it turned out that the crocodile was found with the female crocodile. And the female crocodile is not his legal partner. The female is only the age of her own child.

The residents who found the crocodile simultaneously cursed, "you crocodile!" "Since then, when a man has an affair with a woman who is not his legal partner, he is spontaneously called a 'male crocodile land'" wrote Samsudin Adlawi.


As the proverb says: because of indigo, a speck of milk is broken. When referring to the story from Jember, because of one naughty crocodile, the entire crocodile image is damaged. In fact, the true nature of crocodiles according to a study is very loyal to their partners.

This was evidenced in the journal released by the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge (RWR) research group in Louisiana, United States (US) in 2008. In their research for ten years, they focused on examining crocodile loyalty.

As a result, they were amazed because male crocodiles would not turn to other females, and vice versa. To the extent that, the male crocodile will always protect the female who is about to lay eggs, and the male will guard the eggs until it is time for the babies to hatch.

On that basis, crocodiles are considered loyal to their partners. Even if the female dies first, the male will not remarry or find a new mate.

“We found that 70 percent of our reunited female crocodiles show loyalty to their partners. We are amazed that the crocodile pairs that were bred together in 1997 will still breed together in 2005 and are still together several years after that, "said RWR researchers in the journal Loyal Alligators Display Mating Habits Of Birds (2008).

Because of this loyal nature, crocodiles are used as icons in the wedding procession for Betawi people. The symbol is manifested in a special food that must be brought in a wedding process, namely crocodile bread.

According to a young Betawi figure, Masykur Isnan, crocodile bread has sociological and philosophical values for the Betawi people. Moreover, the Betawi ethnic group has always lived close to rivers and swamps. Therefore, the Betawi ethnic group is closely related to the crocodile's habitat.

“For the Betawi people, crocodile loyalty is only an exemplary form. Because, in crocodile bread also symbolizes other things such as masculinity, full strength, and patience when hunting prey. So, in crocodile bread which is made up, all the good qualities of crocodiles can be represented in crocodile bread, "he said when contacted by VOI, some time ago.