Last Week, Mount Merapi Vomited 20 Hot Clouds

JAKARTA - The Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) noted that Mount Merapi had spewed 20 hot avalanches (APG) over the past week.

However, the Head of BPBD of Magelang Regency, Edi Wasono, said that until now the conditions were safe.

"Based on observations over the past week from August 13 to 19, 2021, Mount Merapi has issued APG up to 20 times to the southwest," said Edi in his statement, Saturday, August 21.

BPPTKG noted that the maximum APG launch distance in the past week was up to 3,500 meters. Lava fall was also observed 172 times to the southwest with a maximum sliding distance of 2,000 meters.

Then, on Friday, August 20, Mount Merapi spewed APG at 07.20 WIB in a duration of 158 seconds with a sliding distance of 2,000 meters to the southwest. The APG was recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 64 millimeters.

The next APG launch of Mount Merapi occurred at 10.15 WIB and was recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 45 millimeters and lasted 128 seconds with a sliding distance of 1,700 meters to the southwest or towards Kali Bebeng.

In addition, BPPTKG also received a report from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) regarding the phenomenon of ash rain from Mount Merapi which spread in several areas such as Dukun, Sawangan, Tegalrejo, Secang, Gowok and Mertoyudan sub-districts in Magelang Regency.

Further rains of volcanic ash from Mount Merapi were also reported to have occurred in Selo District, Boyolali District and Mojotengah District in Wonosobo District.

In addition, the Temanggung, Kedu, Pringsurat, Bulu, Tlogomulyo, Kranggan and Parakan sub-districts in Temanggung Regency were also affected by volcanic ash.

In order to anticipate the health impacts caused by the volcanic ash rain, the local BPBD has taken anticipatory steps by providing masks and urging the public not to spend a lot of time outside their homes for a while.

"Safe condition. Community activities are still monitored to be safe and undisturbed. We are on standby 24 hours. BPBD members immediately went to the field to provide masks to residents, "said Edi.

From the development of volcanic activity data that has occurred to this day, BPPTKG still states the status of Mount Merapi is in a state of Alert or Level III. This condition has not changed since it was set on November 5, 2020.

From this condition, Edi reminded the public not to carry out any activities in areas of potential danger. Then, the community is also expected to anticipate disturbances due to volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi and be aware of the dangers of lahars, especially when it rains around Mount Merapi.

"All tourism and mining activities in the river channel that originates at Mount Merapi in the Disaster-Prone Area (KRB) III are recommended to be temporarily stopped," he concluded.