How Bobby Nasution Suppresses COVID-19 In 5 Districts Of Medan Red Zone

MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, has prevented the spread of COVID-19, especially in the five red zone sub-districts, because many residents have been infected with the corona virus.

"The five sub-districts are Medan Sunggal, Medan Tuntungan, Medan Helvetia, Medan Johor and Medan Selayang," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 20.

Bobby Nasution said that various steps and efforts are being carried out in five sub-districts, such as the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM), and limiting mobility.

Bobby Nasution admitted that the Medan City Government would be more massive in carrying out tracing and testing for people who had close contact with exposed residents.

His party involved 160 medical officers from 41 health centers plus 39 auxiliary health centers and the TNI/Polri both Medan Polrestabes, Belawan Police and Kodim 0201/BS for tracking and testing.

"If tracing and testing are found to be positive for COVID-19, they will be directed to a referral hospital or to an isoter location. It depends on the patient's condition," he explained.

"But if we have to isolate the environment, we will guarantee the needs of the community. We will monitor and supply food and medicine needs," said Medan Mayor Bobby.