To Break Up The Brawl, Mr. RW Is Actually Persecuted With A Sickle

BEKASI – Another brawl occurred in Bekasi, precisely in the Segaramakmur area, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. There were no casualties, only the head of the local RW became a victim while trying to break up the brawl.

The head of the Tarumajaya Police, AKP Edy Suprayitno, said that the brawl started with ridicule between teenagers in the area.

"It was the same group of young people who were then ridiculed," said Edy quoting PMJ, Friday, August 20.

Edy said, in the brawl, a RW head became the victim of a stabbing. The victim, still explained by Edy, initially wanted to intervene but then one of the brawlers thought the victim was an enemy so he was immediately attacked.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered a gunshot wound to the hand. The victim is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital.

"When they intervened, the victim was mistaken for an enemy. Then, he fell and was stabbed at that time," he explained.

Until now, there is one perpetrator with the initials R (18) who has been arrested. Edy said that his party was still pursuing other perpetrators and examining witnesses around the scene to investigate the case of the juvenile brawl.

"One person has been arrested, he is the one who slashed the perpetrator, but we are still chasing the other perpetrators," said Edy.