IIT Abu Dhabi Quantum Computer Raft Working At Very Low Temperatures

JAKARTA - The Abu Dhabi Institute of Technological Innovation (TII) has recently unboxed its cryostat - the initial framework of its quantum computer which is being assembled in the UAE capital.

TII's Quantum Research Center (QRC) is spearheading an important advanced technology project aimed at giving the world a quantum advantage through the development of supercomputers with exponential computing capabilities.

Two helium-dilution refrigerators arrived from Finland earlier this week in large wooden crates. It's a critical component that uses helium isotopes to cool quantum chips or computer brains and retain quantum information.

The diluent refrigerator consists of six stages, the top of which is at room temperature, with the temperature continuing to drop at lower levels until the device can reach a very low temperature of 10 Millikelvin (mK) one-hundredth of the space temperature - the optimal temperature for a quantum chip to operate.

Quantum computers use quantum mechanical phenomena such as “superposition” and “entanglement” to generate and manipulate subatomic particles such as electrons or photons - quantum bits are also known as qubits' - to create exponentially stronger processing power and help perform complex calculations that would take time. longer time to crack even by the world's most powerful classic supercomputers.

Traditional computers use bits arranged as a combination of ones and zeros. While quantum computers use qubits where particles can be in two states at the same time, thereby increasing their computing power through this, allowing them to evaluate multiple results at once.

Abu Dhabi is building a quantum computer in collaboration with Barcelona-based Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech. Quantum computers once formed, proved to be very valuable in various fields. From discovering new drugs to designing better batteries, and also helping in various artificial intelligence applications.