Synergy Between KKP And Law Enforcement Officials: 52 Fries Smuggling Cases Successfully Foiled In 2021

JAKARTA - The synergy carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) with a number of law enforcement officers succeeded in thwarting around 52 cases of smuggling of fried shrimp that were carried out in the period during 2021.

"We will continue to monitor and supervise closely, so don't try to smuggle BBL (lobster clear seeds)," said the Head of the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety (BKIPM) KKP Rina, in a press release, quoted by Antara. , Thursday 19 August.

Rina emphasized that her party will continue to oversee the crossings of fishery commodities from and to Indonesia. In addition to supporting export policies, this safeguard is also to prevent as well as crack down on smuggling, especially BBL or fry.

As is known, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries under the command of Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, has issued Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation (Permen KP) Number 17 of 2021.

The regulation is a form of Minister Trenggono's alignment with domestic lobster cultivation as well as combating the smuggling of fry.

Rina ensured that through the Fish Quarantine Center, her staff would continue to provide education, socialization to all communities, especially fishermen and lobster cultivation business actors to prevent BBL smuggling. BKIPM has also tightened monitoring of lanes at ports, airports and sea borders.

He explained that 52 cases that had been thwarted until August 15, 2021 were spread in 13 locations including Jambi, East Java, Palembang, Banten, Jakarta, Batam, Mataram, Lampung, Riau Islands, Bandung, Pangkal Pinang, Bengkulu, Cirebon.

Rina emphasized that the failure of this smuggling was a form of BKIPM's commitment to guarding the growth of domestic lobster cultivation.

The total number of fry that were rescued from these cases reached 3,873,775 with details, 3,710,838 BBL sand and 162,937 pearl BBL, with an estimated value of BBL rescued at Rp. 159.93 billion.

These cases are spread in a number of regions in Indonesia. Rina detailed, most cases came from Jambi with 11 cases. Then Surabaya 9 cases, Merak 5 cases, Jakarta and Palembang 4 cases each.

The modes used by smugglers include falsifying data in flight documents or disguising BBL by mixing BBL with vegetables.