Choosing Happiness To Live Alone Without Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan Is More Beautiful

JAKARTA - Since choosing to separate from Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan has been more active on social media. His cake business is also growing. In addition, Desiree uses her cooking hobby as an update material on Instagram and YouTube so that her followers continue to grow.

Not wanting to reconcile with Hotma, Desiree admits that she is happy living alone. His days were spent with Thousand.

"I choose to be happy... Health is important for us to be happy.... problems may exist, but our health must still be number 1," wrote Desiree on the @mamitoko account, Wednesday, August 18.

According to him, only oneself is the strength and weakness of each. "The one who knows us best, where are our strengths and where are our weaknesses. For example, I am very sensitive to dust and smoke, even smells that are too fragrant make me happy...: then food can't be too oily... .," wrote Desiree.

Like her choice, not wanting to go back to Hotma, Desiree tried to stay away from what made her weak. "Because if we get sick, it won't be about you, someone is sick, right? Life has to be balanced, it's important.

Desiree Tarigan's invitation to live a healthy and happy life was uploaded with a photo of herself getting more and more beautiful. Netizens also praised him. "Aiiih beautiful ... Inspirational woman ....," wrote the account @nababansasa in the comments column.