From The Indonesian Taliban Must Learn Radical Islamist Threats Can't Be Overcome By Arresting Its Leaders

JAKARTA - The Taliban has officially taken control of the Afghan capital, Kabul. The Taliban have said they want to form an open government after seizing Kabul from government hands.

Sohail Shaheen, spokesman for the Taliban, said they were open to the involvement of Afghan police and army officials for the new government.

This issue also did not escape the views of Ade Armando, Lecturer of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI).

Through Cokro TV's YouTube channel, he briefly told how the development of the Taliban group controlled Afghanistan. He also explained that what happened there could affect groups in Indonesia.

"I certainly hope that will not happen and if there are signs in that direction, the Indonesian people must jointly prevent it," he said on Monday, August 16.

Ade Armando hopes that the Indonesian people can understand what needs to be learned from the events in Afghanistan.

"We learned that the threat of radical Islamists cannot be overcome by simply disbanding the organization or arresting its leaders," said Ade further.

According to him, the Taliban group continues to grow because of their desire to develop Islamic law.

"Therefore, if we do not want the Taliban to live in Indonesia, what must be changed is belief. I believe that the way of religion in Indonesia is fundamentally different from that kind of perspective and culture.”

Ending the video, he said that Indonesian people must have an open way of thinking by accepting differences. Using common sense, this country will be safe - he concluded.