The Events Behind The Reading Of The Manuscript Of The Proclamation Of Indonesian Independence, On Today's History, August 17, 1945

JAKARTA - On August 17, 1945, the people of Indonesia rejoiced at the independence they had achieved. That day Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta read the text of the Proclamation. The reading of the text of the Proclamation is a sign that Indonesia has become independent.

The text of the Proclamation consists of two paragraphs full of thoughts from Soekarno, Hatta, and Soebardjo at the residence of Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda. The manuscript was done on August 17, 1945, at 3 a.m. and finished in 2 hours. The manuscript was then handed over to Sayuti Melik to be typed. Accompanied by BM Diah, Sayuti then typed the text of the proclamation and the manuscript was signed by Soekarno.

The text of the Proclamation was read on August 17, 1945, at 10.00 a.m. The declaration of independence took place in front of Soekarno's house on Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No. 56, in such a solemn atmosphere. After the reading of the Proclamation, the Red and White flag, which was sewn by Fatmawati, was raised.

The day before Independence Day or August 16, 1945, to be exact, Soekarno and Hatta were kidnapped by a number of youths including Soekarni, Wikana, Aidit, and Chaerul Saleh. The youths kidnapped the two proclaimers to urge them to immediately proclaim and stay away from Japanese influence.

Soekarno and Hatta were taken to Rengasdengklok, Karawang. They then urged Soekarno and Hatta to speed up the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Citing the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, previously the Old and Young Groups had different opinions regarding when they declared independence.

Flag raising (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Young Group agreed that Indonesia's independence was the decision of the Indonesian people. However, Sukarno, who represented the Old Group, said he had to negotiate with the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee (PPKI), the Japanese-made body. This refusal led to the kidnapping of Soekarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok.

After the kidnapping, Soekarno agreed to proclaim independence and he would do so upon his return to Jakarta. Until finally, Soekarno and Hatta actually proclaimed independence on August 17, 1945.

The location for reading the text of the proclamation had moved. This was a form of anticipation for the Japanese soldiers who had known the reading of the proclamation. The news of the reading of the proclamation in the IKADA field has spread. That way, most likely the Japanese army was ready to keep watch there.

The law of raising the flag

The euphoria of the celebration of Indonesian Independence every year is felt, even today. This year, Indonesia commemorates the 76th year of independence. The yard, the roadside, even the small alleys are decorated with the Red and White flag.

Citing Hukum Online, every Indonesian citizen is required to fly the Red and White flag on Independence Day. This obligation is regulated in Article 7 paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning the State Flag, Language and Emblem, and National Anthem.

Flag raising (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Article 7 paragraph (3) expressly states that "The State Flag must be flown on every commemoration of the Independence Day of the Indonesian Nation on August 17 by citizens who control the right to use houses, buildings or offices, educational units, public transportation, and private transportation throughout the country territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and at representative offices of the Republic of Indonesia abroad”.

However, the law does not regulate the height of the flagpole. As for the flag that is mounted on the wall, it must be installed in a horizontal manner. The law also regulates the size of the flag, which is rectangular in shape with a width of 2/3 of its length. The top is red and the bottom is white, both of which are the same size.

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