8 Police Members And Their Families In Buleleng Bali Positive For COVID-19

BULELENG - A total of 8 police personnel tested positive for COVID-19. They underwent rapid antigen at the Buleleng Police Station, Bali.

The COVID-19 test was directly monitored by the Head of the Buleleng Police, AKBP Andrian Pramudianto, with the Military District Commander 1609/Buleleng Lt. Col. Inf. Muhammad Windra Lisrianto.

"The swab results found 247 negative people. Consisting of 242 Police personnel and 5 Police families. Meanwhile, 8 positive people consisted of 4 Police personnel and 4 Police families", said Head of Buleleng Police, AKBP Andrian Pramudianto, Monday, August 16.

The COVID-19 test was carried out by the Buleleng Police Pratama Clinic medical team and the 1609 Buleleng Military District Commander Swaber team as many as 4 personnel and the Buleleng 1 Health Center medical team.

"Against 255 people who were swab consisted of 246 Police personnel and 9 families of personnel", he added.

The COVID-19 test was carried out to reassure the public about the health of personnel. Because police officers often come into direct contact with the public while on duty.

"Meanwhile, personnel who have been confirmed to have COVID-19, are isotherm and delivered directly from the Provost unit of the Buleleng Police.